Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Gone in a few months.

so Katy found out that she will be going to BYU-I this fall. That is pretty cool. I mean we finally get out of twin and get on with our lives. We will be moving at the end of July. We are both pretty excited but Katy is by far more excited. She can't wait to quit her job and get out of here. I am scared a bit but for the most part i am excited.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

She did it.

Well we found out last night that Katy is into BYU-I. We aren't sure of the track but we know for sure she is in. We are trying to get into the fall track but we will see what happens. I am very proud of her. I can really only blame myself for not getting in. I mean if i has kept my grades up i wouldn't' have this problem but nevertheless i am very proud of her.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Congrats to Brian and Wendy!!!

Well Brian and Wendy had their baby last night! I am super stoked cuz now i have a new little niece to spoiled! that is right! I am one of those uncles!!!! I love it! So anyway i just wanted to say congrats to them and we can't wait to come see the baby.
You might be wondering if i don't know the baby's name. Well to correct you I DO! i just don't want to butcher it already. i mean come on. she is barely a day old and already her name is getting misspelled! So no i won't be that guy. Anyway......WOOT FOR NEW BABIES!!!!!

Getting started

Well, i have been a web junkie for a long time but never one to blog. Anyway i just thought this would be easier to get information to everyone and fun to try.

So to get started I have found out that I am not accepted to BYU-I but Katy is waiting to hear back from them. She hates her job and I am trying to get done so we can move on with life.

I am also thinking about changing my major but i am not sure what to do with it. I am also an amateur photographer but i am trying to change that. So that is about it for this, THE FIRST POST!!!!!!