Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Doing the Party

So this past weekend I went down to Twin to Shoot some Pictures for my sisters birthday. It was kind of crazy but it did give me some good shots. I only have one that I have done work for so far so I will post that one. Also I am going to try and enter a competition here at the school for my photography. I don't know if I will even place but I will post my submissions next tuesday.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Maybe I'm back.

After a long hiatus from writing on the blog, I am here to make an update. The past little while has been both crazy and mundane. One semester has ended and another begun. Kathryn is out of school right now and working two, almost three, jobs. She is still working for the school, she is working at the Rexburg Opinion Center, and she will be starting another job in about 2 weeks. I am working for the school and doing almost 19 credits. Suffice it to say, we don't see much of each other. I will be down in twin falls this weekend taking pictures so that should be crazy. Not much else to report on.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

It's been a while

Well i know that it has been a while since i have posted here and i think it might be a little longer tell i make a good post. I just wanted to let anyone who reads this; that i have been given an assignment in my photo class to take a picture everyday for 10 days. So i have started a photo blog that I will hopefully keep more up to date then this one. Anyway the address is i have already started an will keep up with it as much as i can. ENJOY!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I love you peta!

I know this may sound weird but peta (people for the ethical treatment of animals) has given me one of my new favorite words. They have decided that all those cute fish in the sea are being eaten so we need to change their name from Fish to sea kittens. I don't think peta really thought this one through. I don't know what it is about the name but instead of making me NOT want to eat them it is doing to opposite! I actually want to go out and have a nice sea kitten dinner! I also found this picture that is just awesome!

I think this is a great gage as to how crazy our society is becoming! Why can't I eat fish without some crazy tree huggers complain that i am evil and a hate monger! They are crazy! HAVE A FANTASTIC DAY!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The big cut.

So as all of you are aware this is how Kathryn's hair use to look. As you can tell this post is to announce that Kathryn has cut her hair and it is quite different then from this picture. Now of course i think she looks stunning but i guess I am a little biased.

So here is a picture of her getting her hair cut. The Lady doing her hair is about six months pregnant and she claimed that kneeling down was the most comfortable stance she had been in all day.

And here is the final product. I think she looks super cute. It is so nice to actually see her neck. She is such an awesome girl and a good sport. She loves her new hair cut and i can't do anything to tell her otherwise (not that i would).

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ode to a public education.

if anyone has any doubt about how awesome a public education really is you have to look at this picture. Someone should have really checked this kids spelling before he turned it in. It is really cute but wrong on so many levels. 

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Kathryn's Birthday!

Today is Kathryn's birthday. I felt bad because it was a sunday but i don't think she minded to much because she got to relax. My parents came up to take us out to dinner, a Ballestero tradition. We went to this great place in Idaho Falls called Smitty's. You get so much food for you buck. It was one of the most amazing places I have eaten at in a long time.
Oh, today was also the first official day of Kathryn's new calling as Relief Society President. She said it went really well. I am so proud of her.
School has also started for us which is crazy. I am taking 18.5 credits while Kathryn is taking 14. We really don't get to see each other much so this weekend has been wonderful. 

New Years

For New Years we went down to Utah to spend time with Kathryn's family. We went with Jenny and Schyler to play in the snow. We went to some rental properties that Schyler's Dad owns and went sledding behind a four wheeler. We had a bit of a rough start with Porter but in the end i think he had fun. I will let you decide from the pictures. I don't think Allison was having to much fun but in the end she was all smiles. It was one of the best New Years I have ever had.


Well it has been a while since i have done a real post so here we go.
For Christmas we went down to my folks. It was a nice vacation from all the hoopla. We spent 3 days there and when we tried to come home on the second day the roads were so icy that we had to stay another day. All in all it was way fun. I got this awesome game called Acquire. It would take to long to explain it here but never the less it was way fun. We went up to the south hills on christmas eve which was way fun. I thought we were going to die because of how slick it was. anywho it was cool.

A real east coast education......

Glenn Beck has provided me with yet another humorous picture. This one is from a Philadelphia PA Burger King. You have to laugh. I found it so funny i almost wet myself. anywho, enjoy. I love how meat is spelled meet. CLASSIC!!!