Wednesday, August 6, 2008

All the small things and Big moves!

Well i guess i have quite alot to catch up on. So far Katy and I have moved to Rexburg! We are so excited to be here. So far we haven't go much done but what do you expect. Almost all of the unpacking is done, and we have even added a few new pieces of furniture. We got a new TV stand and a headboard. They are both really nice.
Also i have been accepted to BYU-I. I will be going to school in the winter. I am not sure what classes we are going to be taking but i am just glad to be accepted.
Our ward seems nice. Most of the couples are really nice but most of them have kids. Not that having kids is a bad thing we just don't want to become the outcasts of the ward because we don't have any. Rexburg sees to have alot of pregnant people too! We went to the grocery store and every women either had a new born or was about to drop a kid right then and there! As Katy said," the ob's must be making a fortune in this town!" She is so funny.
Katy also has a job interview tomorrow. She is going crazy sitting at home. I am still looking but i hope to have something soon! I just hope that it will pay enough so that katy won't have to work.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Congrats on being accepted! We miss you guys so much. Good luck on the job interviews!