Saturday, December 20, 2008

Pushing buttons and other crazy things.

So I have really come to love most of the pictures of the day at Glenn Beck's Website. I thought this one would get people laughing.
Anyway this week has been pretty nice. REALLY cold but nice. Kathryn and I started our new jobs at the school doing early morning custodial work. It really isn't that bad of a job but boy i am ready for bed by 4. Sad i know....
We are also getting ready for Christmas with my parents. We will be taking everything up with us so that we can open everything in one day and not feel like we got hosed.
We also got Craig and DeAnn's present out to them. I hope that they like it. I won't post what it is yet because it won't get to them until after Christmas (my bad).
So anyway no posts tell after Christmas, maybe.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

The best gift Wal-Mart can give

I saw this picture on the Glenn Beck website and I fell in love with it. If you have ever been to a wal-mart you have seen most if not all of them.

I remember all the wal-marts in the south had all of these all the time. It was so sad and yetso funny.I wish i would have taken pictures of it.

Also i though i would take this time to tell Brian and Wendy that i will take the youtube link off of this page so that megan will stay off. I will instead imbed them into the page.

Also merry christmas to all just in case i forget!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thanksgiving and Glenn Beck

Well it has been quite a while since the last time i have posted but i feel a small obligation to do this.
Thanksgiving went pretty well for us. We went and saw Kathryn's family for the holiday. Nothing to exciting happened but we did have fun with the bingo game. I feel it was a success since we didn't come home with anything that we took! so woo hoo.

On Tuesday we went down to Idaho Falls to see Glenn Beck and have him sign my copy of the Christmas Sweater. If you haven't read his book i highly suggest you do. 
Anyway we got there about a half hour early and after about an hour and a half wait i got my book signed. The only complaint that i have is that I only got like 3 seconds to talk to him. But from those few seconds of looking into his eyes i could tell that he is a changed man. He has that look that he really cares.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

School Registration

Well the time has come and gone for all BYU-I students to register for the next semester. Lucky little Kathryn got all of her classes signed up for and I think she is taking something like 15 credits. I don't know for sure but she will be busy.
As for me, the school took their sweet time in getting some of my credits transferred so i am waiting on one of my teachers to add me. I must be crazy because i will be taking 17.5 credits when it is all said and done.

We also had some friends over last night and they brought up a very interesting subject. They wondered if we are getting baby hungry living here in the berg and being in wards where there are tons of cute little babies. Kathryn looked at them and told them that she would love to have one right now but doesn't know how we could take care of it. I told them a resolute NO! It is really funny because if you had asked us about a month ago I would have said yes and Kathryn would have told you NO!
So anyway all is quiet here in Rexburg and i don't think that will change anytime soon.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy Election day!

So I have a more gloomy outlook to this election then the title implies. I actually think that this election will lead to an even worse presidential term then any in the past. I won't say whom I voted for but I will say that I didn't vote for Obama or McCain. I think both of them are idiots and they will lead this country into the very jaws of hell before they get our of office.
Having said that it does make me feel kinda good to say that i stated my opinion for this election. I only really did it so that when the next president does something stupid i can gripe all i want because i didn't vote for him.
I also have serious doubts that IF McCain wins he would stay alive for very long. What a joke this election is.
The ballot for idaho was very sad for me. I am not sure if it is true state wide but it seems like locally no one wants to run for any office. Almost every local office had only one person to vote for. There is no desire to run for any office in this state. So very sad.
So anyway that is my rant for this most very special election day!

To all citizens of the United States of America: Keep the dream alive. Don't let anyone over tax you just because of your good business practices!

Friday, October 31, 2008

My crazy pumpkin

So this year hasn't exactly be the biggest halloween bash ever. This town is full of mostly fresh out of high school kids who only want to flirt or couples with kids. So that really narrows the field on what we can go do. I also have to work today so getting ready for any kind of halloween party is really pointless.
I did manage to carve a pumpkin. That is about as festive as i am going to get this year but it should give everyone a nice laugh. I saw this kind of pumpkin on TV and thought i would have to try it. It really isn't that hard to make so enjoy!

Friday, October 17, 2008

The horror that is this election!

So i am actually going to be home for this election so i feel like i can accurately cast my vote. Last time i was on my mission in Florida. All i ever hear was how Bush would run this country into the ground and what not. Well I guess not much has changed in the past four years. I don't think either of these two candidates could run the country very well.
I was watching the debates a few nights ago and i kept wanted to shout at the TV and tell these two that they are idiots and they aren't really focused on what we as a country want but what they can do to line their pockets with a little more green! It truthfully disgusts me.
I fear that no matter what happens this year we are in for a horrible term. 
Obama has no grasp on how to truly run the country or what he even really wants to do. All I know is that he socializes with former terrorists and bad mouthers of this country. How can i take a man who claims to love this country with associates like that. Don't even get me started on how horrible his health care plan is, or how he has changed sides on EVERY issue presented to him.
McCain is an old man who i feel has lost touch with the real American; a.k.a. Joe the Plumbers! He thinks that by saying i support you and encourage you Joe is going to win him the election. The man can't run a computer or remember how many houses he has. What if he forgets his foreign policy? I mean the man was a POW. What if he has a flashback and decides to nuke everyone that ever wronged us? What i great president he will be. He has also changed position on everything. Why was it that 6 months ago he has one position and then now he is saying something different. I'll tell you why, he wants to be in the white house. Great reason to change our position!
Personally I fell that the president should be an appointed position. I don't remember reading about George Washington's political platform. He was appointed by the voice of the people. Right now we have idiots voting idiots into office. In the bible it says that by their fruits ye shall know them. I haven't seen good fruits from either of these two bone heads! All i see are money hungry senators looking for a way to get a life time pension for screwing over millions of people. If they really cared we would have paid off the national debt as quickly as we could. Instead they are spending millions on new furniture, subsidizing a restaurant that looses the American people millions a year so they won't have to go across the street to get lunch. They also wouldn't put in all the ear marks, or pay increases. 
Getting back to the point i was trying to make; the president needs to be appointed by the voice of the people. I mean if it would make that much of a difference lets do it like freaking American idol. If we glamorize it maybe more people will vote and we could have a GOOD president for once in my lifetime! We should search all over America for great people who do regular things put them on stage and ask them the political questions. They will hopefully give better answers, or just an answer, and then we can decide from there. Did McCain or Obama ever really answer any question during the debates? My answer to you is no; no they didn't.
Anyway that is my little raid on how i feel about the nightmare that is this election. To be honest i don't plan to vote for either of them. I might just vote for Joe the Plumber. He seems to understand what is going on better then Obama or McCain combined!

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Well i know it has been a while but not much has really happened since last time. The only big news is that Katy got a job at the school! She is a dishwasher. Not the most glamorous but she likes it.
Today i woke up to hale! I can't believe it! i haven't seen hale in like forever! I was so excited! But is does mean that winter is almost here. Right now it looks like it is going to rain.
Oh other big news is that i got a job making a video for a wedding reception. I like doing stuff like that and i hope that it actually turns into a full time real job for me!
Other then that there hasn't been much that has gone on. So i guess that is all that i will write for now!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The crazyness of Rexburg

Well we have been in rexburg for a few weeks now and i think both of us are starting to really like it here. Katy is having fun at school, i am trying to not be to distracting. i am doing well at work, nothing to special though.
I must say that i am very proud of Katy and all the work she is putting into school. Her accounting classes seem to take alot of time and they stress her out. So far she is ahead of the schedual and i hope that she stays that way.
I am getting a little anxious to get started with school. I want to be done and in the real world with areal job but i know that will come soon enough.
We also got a couple of new computers. I think Katy really likes having her own computer to work on instead of sharing with me.
So anyway that is about all that is going on in our lives.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The new week has come to an end.

So i figured it has been more then long enough since i last blogged.
Well working at the distribution center is actually really fun. i love going to work and feeling the spirit. It kind of scared me the first week i was there but now i really like it. I love being able to help fellow members of the church get the things they need to help them increase their faith in God.
Also tomorrow Kathryn and I will be going to Yellowstone for a little vacation. I can't wait. I want to take her to the Playmill and all the little shops around West Yellowstone. It is a very beautiful town and i can't wait to take lots of pictures.
I will of course make a full report on the play on Saturday but until then you will just have to wait. So that is about all for this update so have a great week!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The good news

Well finally some good news to report. Katy and I have been looking for jobs for the past week strait. We had a few good looking prospects but nothing to certain. Well on thursday of last week we stopped by Deseret Book to see if they were hiring, they weren't. They directed us to go to distribution. I didn't think much of it but we went anyway. Well the manager really liked me and said she just needed approval from salt lake. 
Well today i heard back from them and i am now employed be the church! Crazy i know but it is a job! So anyway that is the news for now.

Friday, August 8, 2008

The weekly wrap up!

Well another week is at an end and a lot has happened for us. So far we have gotten the apartment more set up. I have put together a new headboard, TV stand, and had to replace the power cord on the dryer. all very annoying but needing to get done. I have also found time to start doing more stuff on the inter web! I have uploaded more pictures and update the blog more often. I have even started to pay more attention to my facebook account! Oh and also my wife but is that really all that important? JUST KIDDING! Also i got a Journey CD and I haven't stopped listening to it yet! So anyway that is what is new with our life so enjoy!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

All the small things and Big moves!

Well i guess i have quite alot to catch up on. So far Katy and I have moved to Rexburg! We are so excited to be here. So far we haven't go much done but what do you expect. Almost all of the unpacking is done, and we have even added a few new pieces of furniture. We got a new TV stand and a headboard. They are both really nice.
Also i have been accepted to BYU-I. I will be going to school in the winter. I am not sure what classes we are going to be taking but i am just glad to be accepted.
Our ward seems nice. Most of the couples are really nice but most of them have kids. Not that having kids is a bad thing we just don't want to become the outcasts of the ward because we don't have any. Rexburg sees to have alot of pregnant people too! We went to the grocery store and every women either had a new born or was about to drop a kid right then and there! As Katy said," the ob's must be making a fortune in this town!" She is so funny.
Katy also has a job interview tomorrow. She is going crazy sitting at home. I am still looking but i hope to have something soon! I just hope that it will pay enough so that katy won't have to work.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

It's official

well we finally know when we will be moving. We gave our 30 days notice on monday and we will be in rexburg on friday august first. We are seriously so excited to get out of this town and start a life all our own. Not to say that twin hasn't been good to us we just need to move on and do stuff on our own.
Also this next week some of Katy's family is coming into town to visit the twin falls temple and have dinner with my family. I think it should be fun and it will give me a chance to take some more pictures.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Long Weekend

Well for the memorial day weekend we spent four days with Katy's family. All in all it was pretty fun but i seemed to be one of the busiest weekends i have ever had. (not that it was a bad weekend) It was really nice getting to see the whole family together, what with Brian and Wendy with the new baby.
Speaking of which Megan and Ashlyn are so funny. Megan loves to be close to her and play with her. She even helped Ashlyn sing the sunbeam song.

Megan is also pretty funny when it comes to spending time with porter. Those two seem to love each other but Porter loves to pick on her. One of the funniest things the two of them did was play on the piano. Porter had picked out a song he liked and then they played the piano untill a motorcycle or something came by. Anyway i plan on uploading all the videos i took to my youtube page so you can just click the link at the bottom of the page to watch them.

Anyway the weekend went pretty well and we even go all the family pictures done. Katy and I should have a new picture of the two of us up soon but who know how long that could take.

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Next weekend

Well school is officially out for me and now i am just finding a job. Things are going well but i am not to excited. Not because i don't want a job but because i don't want a crappy job. Now i know it will only be for like 2 months but still, two months of hell are never fun. We are excited for the memorial day weekend where we will spend four fun filled days with katys family. It should be a great time for me to take pictures.
Also this mothers day i got to talk to Ryan (my brother) who is serving a mission in Russia. He is a funny kid and i love him to death. It was a pretty good little chat but now we won't talk again tell Christmas day. I just wish he could call me and katy so that way we woulden't have to drive to twin. I mean i want to spend time with my family but i really want to have a christmas day with just me and Katy. I like it when it is just the two of us.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Well we finally got a digital camera! I am so in love with it. It is truely everything that i wanted without costing over $1,000 just to get started. It is a cannon powershot and it does practically everything. Now that i can get my pictures onto the net a lot quicker my little slide show will be a lot longer and full of new photos! So enjoy and have a great day!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Gone in a few months.

so Katy found out that she will be going to BYU-I this fall. That is pretty cool. I mean we finally get out of twin and get on with our lives. We will be moving at the end of July. We are both pretty excited but Katy is by far more excited. She can't wait to quit her job and get out of here. I am scared a bit but for the most part i am excited.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

She did it.

Well we found out last night that Katy is into BYU-I. We aren't sure of the track but we know for sure she is in. We are trying to get into the fall track but we will see what happens. I am very proud of her. I can really only blame myself for not getting in. I mean if i has kept my grades up i wouldn't' have this problem but nevertheless i am very proud of her.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Congrats to Brian and Wendy!!!

Well Brian and Wendy had their baby last night! I am super stoked cuz now i have a new little niece to spoiled! that is right! I am one of those uncles!!!! I love it! So anyway i just wanted to say congrats to them and we can't wait to come see the baby.
You might be wondering if i don't know the baby's name. Well to correct you I DO! i just don't want to butcher it already. i mean come on. she is barely a day old and already her name is getting misspelled! So no i won't be that guy. Anyway......WOOT FOR NEW BABIES!!!!!

Getting started

Well, i have been a web junkie for a long time but never one to blog. Anyway i just thought this would be easier to get information to everyone and fun to try.

So to get started I have found out that I am not accepted to BYU-I but Katy is waiting to hear back from them. She hates her job and I am trying to get done so we can move on with life.

I am also thinking about changing my major but i am not sure what to do with it. I am also an amateur photographer but i am trying to change that. So that is about it for this, THE FIRST POST!!!!!!