Tuesday, November 18, 2008

School Registration

Well the time has come and gone for all BYU-I students to register for the next semester. Lucky little Kathryn got all of her classes signed up for and I think she is taking something like 15 credits. I don't know for sure but she will be busy.
As for me, the school took their sweet time in getting some of my credits transferred so i am waiting on one of my teachers to add me. I must be crazy because i will be taking 17.5 credits when it is all said and done.

We also had some friends over last night and they brought up a very interesting subject. They wondered if we are getting baby hungry living here in the berg and being in wards where there are tons of cute little babies. Kathryn looked at them and told them that she would love to have one right now but doesn't know how we could take care of it. I told them a resolute NO! It is really funny because if you had asked us about a month ago I would have said yes and Kathryn would have told you NO!
So anyway all is quiet here in Rexburg and i don't think that will change anytime soon.

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