Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy Election day!

So I have a more gloomy outlook to this election then the title implies. I actually think that this election will lead to an even worse presidential term then any in the past. I won't say whom I voted for but I will say that I didn't vote for Obama or McCain. I think both of them are idiots and they will lead this country into the very jaws of hell before they get our of office.
Having said that it does make me feel kinda good to say that i stated my opinion for this election. I only really did it so that when the next president does something stupid i can gripe all i want because i didn't vote for him.
I also have serious doubts that IF McCain wins he would stay alive for very long. What a joke this election is.
The ballot for idaho was very sad for me. I am not sure if it is true state wide but it seems like locally no one wants to run for any office. Almost every local office had only one person to vote for. There is no desire to run for any office in this state. So very sad.
So anyway that is my rant for this most very special election day!

To all citizens of the United States of America: Keep the dream alive. Don't let anyone over tax you just because of your good business practices!

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